Published in Gaming

PlayStation Plus version of DriveClub on hold

by on31 October 2014


Will remain that way till further notice

Sony Worldwide head-honcho Shuhei Yoshida announced in a message posted yesterday that the PlayStaiton Plus version of DriveClub will remain on indefinite hold till further notice.

Youshida admits that the road to getting Drive Club lunched has been a rocky one. He apologizes that not everyone has been able to enjoy Drive Club, but the titles has had a troubled history to say the least and it has not delivered on what they had hoped to achieve with the title.

According to Youshia, he is conscious of the disappointment encountered by so many who have been trying to play the game. Still Sony is not confident that the game it its current state can provide an online experience with the full social connected experience promised and till they are confident in the online experience the PS Plus version will be postponed till further notice.

While a recent update is said to improve the situation, apparently they are hoping that the next update that is expected later this week will improve the situation. They are continuing to ask for patience while they sort things out.

No matter, Sony has taken a real black eye so to speak on this title and even if they do manage to get it fixed, the real question is if it will be too little too late?


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