Published in Graphics

Single PCB GTX 295 is real

by on27 March 2009


Introduction in May

Nvidia will indeed make a GTX 295 card with two GPUs on one PCB. The plan is to bring this SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) to market at some point in May.

This is a rather surprising move and it obviously means that Nvidia doesn’t really have anything new to offer to this market by the end of Q2 2009. We learned that the frequencies should not change for this product re-launch but this time, at least the brand stays the same. 

There is still no sign of Nvidia’s 40nm performance / high-end chip and the fact that Nvidia will spend its time and resources to repackage its dual PCB GTX 295 card to a single PCB doesn’t looks promising that the company will have its new high end products shortly.

We expect Nvidia’s high end DirectX 10 performance chip in Q3 2009 while we’ve heard that DirectX 11 capable part comes in Q4 2009, but at this point we don’t have any solid information on whether Nvidia keep the pace with this plan. For their own good, let’s hope they can.

Last modified on 27 March 2009
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