Published in Graphics

AMD disses GPUs with CPU sockets

by on12 December 2011

They are like chalk and cheese

AMD claims that banging out special-purpose GPU-based accelerators which are compatible with CPU sockets is completely pointless.

The comments by AMD's leading software expert Neal Robison is completely different from that being mooted by Intel. Chipzilla is backing out accelerators for highly-parallel computing into sockets for central processing units (CPUs).

Robinson told X-bit labs that Fusion-architecture - which integrates general-purpose [x86] processing cores with highly-parallel stream processors of Radeon GPUs - is a better solution for high-performance computing.
He said that it makes more sense from the software developers standpoint" and investments into the "tool has already been made so we might as well use it". It looks like the once proposed Torrenza platform is no longer even considered as viable.

"APU is a better and cleaner solution than sticking a GPU in the same socket," said Neal Robison.

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