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Overclockers reveals Radeon HD 7950 benchmark
All the stats you can eat
Online retailer have got their paws on a reference Radeon HD7950 Graphic Card and have been showing off the the price, launch date and benchmark results of the beast.
The site said that the Radeon HD7950 ran at at 810MHz Core / 5000MHz Memory, Packs 3GB GDDR5 Memory Buffer, 1792 Stream Processors, 32ROP’s, 112TMU’s and memory runs along a 384-bit wide interface. The first set of benchmark results were obtained at a resolution of 1680×1050, 4xAA and Normal Tessellation, and showed AMD 7950 Stock (810MHz Core / 5000MHz Memory) – 1379 Score, AMD 7950 Maxed on Overdrive (1025MHz Core / 6300MHz Memory) – 1689 Score, and AMD 7950 Maxed OC on Asus OC BIOS (1180MHz Core / 7200MHz Memory) – 1936 Score.
The clocks managed to reach a core clock of 1180Mhz and 7200Mhz on Memory which means that the card has huge overclocking potential. then pushed the card to run at 2560×1600 Resolution and it did pretty well and did not catch fire. The site said that it will sell for $449 and will not only outperform a GeForce GTX580 but also overclocks better. It is cooler too.
Apparently a 1.5GB Variant is also expected in March for $399.’s pricing goes, they’ll price the reference model at £350.
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