Expreview managed to snatch first pictures of the upcoming Zotac GTX 680 Supreme Edition graphics card, most probably the one that Zotac was refering to with its over 2GHz GPU clock statement. Although it looks tempting, our sources are quite positive that, unfortunately, this card is only for China market.
According to the pictures over at Expreview.com, the new Zotac GTX 680 will feature a custom, higher than reference, PCB with 12-phase VRM, 8+6-pin PCI-Express power connectors, upgraded capacitors, and better CHiL VRM controller. The new Zotac card will also feautre OC+, Zotac's USB control module for on-the-fly overclocking, diagnostic information and so on.
The custom cooler on the card features two fans paired up with a custom heatsink and couple of copper heatpipes.
Unfortunately, Expreview didn't mention clock speeds and we guess that these are simply not yet finalized. According to our sources, the one pixellized by Expreview is China-only card but that doesn't mean that Zotac will skip a custom version for worldwide market as well.