Google wants to become greener
All the recycled plastic you can eat
Google is to neutralise carbon emissions from delivering consumer hardware by next year and include recycled plastic in each of its products by 2022.

Apple betrays New Zealand Green Party leader
Comment: Apple pays zero tax, but the Green co-leader still praises it.
Green party Apple fanboys down under should be facing a huge crisis in their faith after discovering that their favourite tech company pays zero tax.

Radeon 2016 GPUs support HDMI 2.0a DP 1.3 and HDR
Official word
AMD held a Radeon Technology group summit last week in Sonoma California and the company shared its cunning plans.

Green Apple Flagship has deadly chlorine leak
Five in hospital
A data facility being touted as proof of how Apple technology is good for the environment has been flooded with deadly chlorine gas.
Western Digital bringing 5TB in late 2013
Red and Green Series
XFX declares war to a green plane
Red fighter can shoot it down
How green is the iPhone?

The white one or...?
Apple not green in China

Does not care about poisoned workers, claim
Apple bans iPhone from Green Campaign

Is not saying why
Samsung releases high-density HDD
