Windows needs eight hours to update properly
Published in News
Wednesday, 02 February 2022 12:05

Windows needs eight hours to update properly

My PC seems to be chatting to Vole a lot

Windows PCs will spend rather a long time talking to Seattle, according to the Microsoft IT Pro Blog.

2022 is the year of Android on the Window’s desktop
Published in News

Windows 11 will get Android Apps next month

Microsoft is planning to launch a public preview of its Android apps for Windows 11 next month.

Microsoft’s first 2022 patch Tuesday was pants
Published in News

Too much pain for users and admins

Microsoft's first Patch Tuesday for 2022 was so bad it appeared to have been written by the software genii at Apple.

Windows users should stop using Chrome warns Microsoft
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Pop-ups push Edge

Microsoft is warning Windows owners to stop using the Google Chrome browser and switch to Edge instead.

Windows on ARM space hots up
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 23 November 2021 12:18

Windows on ARM space hots up

Qualcomm’s Windows exclusivity about to end

Windows on ARM chips could be a space set to get more competitive.

Jobs tried to convince Dell to license Mac software to run on Intel-based PCs
Published in News

Tried to say it was better than Windows

Michael Dell has an amusing anecdote about Steve Jobs – the fruity cargo cult leader had a crack at telling him the Mac software was better than Windows.

Ancient driver bug could hit Windows machines
Published in News

High severity

Insecurity experts have released technical details on a high-severity privilege-escalation flaw in HP printer drivers - also used by Samsung and Xerox, which impacts hundreds of millions of Windows machines.

Windows goes cloudy
Published in Cloud
Thursday, 15 July 2021 11:15

Windows goes cloudy

Access Cloud PCs from anywhere

Software King of the World Microsoft is putting its operating system in the cloud.

Radeon driver moves Windows 7 to legacy support
Published in Graphics

Windows 7 goes the way of the Dodo 

HEXUS has been digging around the Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.5.2 small print and discovered a few things that the driver cannot be bothered supporting any more.

Special summer sale Windows 10 Pro $7.42 Office 2019 Pro costs $28.49
Published in News

Sponsored Post: Special sale of software in summer

U2Key has prepared a special discount for our readers. They offer extra 52.9% OFF Discount Code for some specific products with a code FUD.

This time they offer  games and console passes and software too.