Software giant Microsoft claims that it is winning the battle for the hearts and minds of developers for its Windows Phone 7 software.
Redmond said that there had been more than 1.5 million downloads of a tool kit to make applications for Windows Phone 7. It claims that this is a sign the operating system may be winning over developers.
Microsoft thinks the key to getting consumers to buy phones with its WM7 software on board is to have shedloads of apps available. To do this it needs developers writing them.
More than 36,000 developers have registered with the company, Microsoft said and there are 11,500 apps are available. Each WM7 customer downloads 12 apps a month.
So far it needs to do something that will pull the OS's nadgers out of the fire. Only two million WM7 phones have been sold, despite getting good reviews.
Apple has more than 350,000 apps available, and Android apps top 150,000. Analysts IDC amused the world this week by claiming that Apple would turn everything around in a couple of years and become the number two phone software maker behind Google.
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Microsoft claims it is winning the battle for hearts and minds of developers

Windows Phone 7 might just work
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