When Davidson High School bought in the ban, with parental support, the Tame Apple Press were furious for it mocking Steve Jobs's vision of a mobile revolution.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Jobs vision really was lowering the standards of the world and turning kids into psychotic morons. Since banning the phones the local high school "has seen a dramatic decrease in behavioural issues and a boost in physical activity and students talking to each other just two months after it tightened restrictions on mobile phone usage."
The school's principal told the newspaper that "in eight weeks of the policy, there has been a 90 per cent reduction in behavioural issues related to phones in the school."
He said it was "so clear" that mobile phones hindered student learning and focus in classrooms and stunted their emotional and social intelligence. He said phone usage also contributed directly to conflict between students.
"At a time when mental health is of such a concern amongst our young people, our school community saw the phone as a significant and negative contributor to student wellbeing," he said.
The principal said the move reduced distractions for students and teachers.