Mediatek sold 400 million smartphone SoCs last year
Published in Mobiles

And 40-45 million tablet SoCs

The mobile phone market will be interesting in 2016. In 2015 Mediatek confirmed that company sold 400 million smartphone SoCs and there is an indication that the company might sell more Helio chips in 2016.

Vaio to release Windows 10 phone
Published in Mobiles

Out this week

Sony spin-off Vaio is set to release a new Windows 10 smartphone this week.

Ikea makes smartphone borking tables
Published in Mobiles

Now if only we could assemble one

The Swedish makers of flatpack furniture which has a unique feature requiring screws to be hit in with hammers after consulting complicated plan with a font so small that it could be written on a rice grain, have come up with a table that kills off phone use.

Blackberry confirms Android only future
Published in Mobiles

RIP Blackberry 10OS

While we have been saying that Blackberry was going to give up on the BlackBerry 10 OS, but official confirmation has been thin on the ground.

More than 1.43 billion smartphones sold
Published in Mobiles

Samsung is still number one

Beancounters at IDC have added up the numbers and divided by their shoe size and reached the conclusion that smartphone shipments hit a record 1.43 billion units in 2015.