Mozilla wants to make Firefox great again
Does not really say how
Mozilla Chief Executive Chris Beard claims that the outfit is set to make Mozilla great again, although he does not say if it will finally get around to fixing the memory problem which has always blighted the browser.

US government ignoring public will on net neutrality
Trump backing the wrong horse
While the US government under its supreme Orangeman Donald Trump is dismantling Net Neutrality so that big telcos can take more money from their enslaved customers, they appear to have lost public support.

FCC blames John Oliver for “hack”
Kill the comics
Not happy with trying to censor comics who make jokes at Donald Trump’s expense, the FCC is now wading into Late Night telly host John Oliver for leading a campaign against its net neutrality rules.

Mozilla will need rust
Because it never sleeps
The big cheeses at the Mozzarella foundation have decided that its Firefox browser will need rust to work.

Firefox gives up on connected devices
Lays off 50 people and lays down
Big Cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation have given up on connected devices and have eliminated the team connected to bring the browser to the internet of things.

Firefox OS killed off
Deader than a Norwegian Blue
Big Cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation have announced that they are killing off the Firefox OS.

Edge might be the only browser for Netflix HD
Microsoft might even be telling the truth on this one
Software king of the world Microsoft has made another claim for its Edge browser – it is the only one which can run Netflix’s HD.

Firefox OS shifts focus to other devices
Routers, HDMI sticks, tablets, keyboard computers
While Mozilla might have decided to give up on Firefox OS as an operating system for smartphones, according to the latest leak, it is now shifting its focus on other devices like tablets, routers, HDMI sticks and more.

Firefox windows finally gets 64-bit
Mozilla wakes up
Mozilla has finally delivered a 64-bit version of Firefox.

Mozilla admits Firefox smartphone failed
Gives up and puts it to sleep
Open saucy browser outfit Mozilla has admitted that its Firefox OS smartphone experiment didn’t have legs and it will stop developing and selling the beasts.