News - subcat

Intel knocked off number one chip slot
Published in News
Thursday, 04 January 2018 18:43

Intel knocked off number one chip slot

Samsung beats Chipzilla up

Figures just in from the Gartner Group showed that Samsung was the leader in chip sales in 2017.

Broadcom buying Qualcomm just won’t happen
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 21 December 2017 10:13

Broadcom buying Qualcomm just won’t happen

Fudzilla asked around

Over the last few weeks we've met with a few dozen Qualcomm and industry C level executives and of course discussed the potential Broadcom takeover of Qualcomm. The general conclusion is that this won't happen as Broadcom might profit from it at the big expense of Qualcomm.

Broadcom may fire a third of Qualcomm staff
Published in News
Tuesday, 19 December 2017 12:52

Broadcom may fire a third of Qualcomm staff

Comment: This is not a merger it is an asset strip

It is starting to look like Broadcom's take over of Qualcomm will be less of a merger and more of an asset strip.

Broadcom prepares for board room battle for Qualcomm
Published in News

Hostile bid begins

Chipmaker Broadcom will take its first formal step on Monday toward a hostile bid to take over Qualcomm and will unveiling nominees who Qualcomm shareholders can vote on to replace the US semiconductor company’s board of directors.

Broadcom takeover of Qualcomm appears to be about Apple
Published in PC Hardware

Comment: Don your tin foil hat

This morning Apple’s official news agency Reuters ran a yarn about how beautiful life will be if Broadcom takes over Qualcomm.

Japan, Europe say “yes” to Qualcomm, NXP takeover
Published in News

The Broadcom problem remains

A report said that Qualcomm will gain permission from Japanese and European regulators that will allow it to press ahead with its acquisition of NXP.

Qualcomm unanimously rejects Broadcom
Published in News
Monday, 13 November 2017 15:38

Qualcomm unanimously rejects Broadcom

Not in best interest of shareholders

As Fudzilla suspected, Qualcomm’s board of directors has unanimously rejected Broadcom's offer to acquire it. The board thinks it is not good for shareholders and that it dramatically undervalues Qualcomm.

Qualcomm gears up to fight Broadcom
Published in News
Monday, 13 November 2017 12:03

Qualcomm gears up to fight Broadcom

Hostile take-over

Qualcomm is drawing up its battle plans to fight off a hostile takeover from Broadcom.

Press talks up Broadcom’s unlikely Qualcomm takeover
Published in PC Hardware

Could set Broadcom against Intel

The business press seems keen to talk up Broadcom’s unlikely Qualcomm takeover and portray it as the best thing since sliced bread.

Broadcom makes a Qualcomm offer
Published in Network
Monday, 06 November 2017 15:05

Broadcom makes a Qualcomm offer

Fudzilla calls it highly unlikely

The part of Wall Street that covers IT is shaking as Broadcom - trading as Avgo - has made an official offer to take over Qualcomm at $70 per share in a $130 billion cash and stock deal.