Time Lords order an end to leap seconds
They are no earthly use
Time Lords at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) have declared that there is no earthly user for leap seconds.

Apple's time genii strike again
Update for iWatch bricks the expensive gizmos
Apple's reputation for writing time keeping software took yet another dive after the outfit released an update which was so bad it bricked the expensive iWatch.

Apple stuffs up its iOS Alarm clock function
Why can’t Apple programmers tell the time?
One of the most basic projects in high school programming is to build computer clocks and yet despite this, the genii at Apple consistently fail at doing it.

Apple programmers still can't master time
They keep reversing the polarity on the neutron flow
Apple software still has problems mastering the issue of time and yet another programming bug involving the calendar is bricking Jobs' Mob's creations.

iPhone 6S has a super cool lying battery feature
Gives you the impression the battery life is longer
Apple has revealed that its iPhone 6s, which is remaining on the shelves because no one wants it, has a super cool feature which tells you your battery is fuller than it really is.

Apple has time-keeping problems again
This time it peeved the Pixies
There is something really wrong with the fruity cargo cult Apple’s relationship with the time – for some reason its programmers always have trouble with it.

Pebble Time Round Is Beautiful
Pebble is on a roll, round watch rolls in in November.
The Kickstarter darling Pebble is doing its best to avoid being squeezed out of the market by Android Wear and Apple Watch. In its latest attempt at staying relevant, Pebble is launching the Pebble Time Round. And it just might have most, if not all, of the ingredients right.
Minecraft on 360 being played more than anything else
Racking up more hours than COD or FIFA 13
Chinese telcos in bribery scandal
Banned from tendering in Algeria
Apple may pay dividends first time since 1995
To spill the beans at upcoming conference