With the GPU running at 820 MHz and the memory at 1000 MHz (4000 MHz effectively), you're getting a lethal combination of a large frame buffer and significant GPU juice which will be enough to defeat every other GTX 460 out there.

Just like the GTX 460 768MB Ultra Charged card, the GTX 460 1GB Ultra Charged relies on reference cooling. The golden rule applies - if it ain't broke, it doesn't need fixing, and we were pretty happy with the cooler's performance.
We recorded 79°C in FurMark (HAF-X case, standard fan setup). The measured temperature is only 1°C higher than on the GTX 460 768MB Ultra Charged, which is a nice feat considering that both cards run at identical clocks.
As you can see from our short test, GTX 460 1GB Ultra Charged is the fastest GTX 460 around, and TGT's job on PoV's cards will surely set a benchmark for the future.
GTX 460 1GB Ultra Charged will most likely remain the fastest factory overclocked GTX 460 1GB card, whereas the so-far fastest GTX 460 768MB card - the GTX 460 768MB Ultra Charged will be replaced by yet another TGT flavored Point of View card - the GTX 460 768MB Beast.

The cards are already listed and available at Alternate.de and the prices stand at €209,90 for the GTX 460 768MB Charged, €229,90 for the GTX 460 768MB Ultra Charged and €239 and €259 for the GTX 470 1024MB Charged and Ultra Charged.