Google faces Pixel suit
Published in Mobiles
09 February 2018

Google faces Pixel suit

Defective from the start

Search engine outfit Google is facing a lawsuit over the microphone problems in the original Pixel.

Big tech lobby groups soften anti-China bill
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It would hurt US business

An attempt by US politicians to harm Chinese trade has backfired after it emerged it would do more harm to IT companies who are dependent on China.

Google sued for discriminating against white men
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Because white men have such a tough time

Google has found itself in a rather amusing predicament. Normally it is accused of favouring white men over women and racial minorities in its hiring. Now it is going to court to defend itself against a white male who claims he has been discriminated against.

Tower of Babel grows as Roku has its say
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Help me, help me!

Roku will introduce a voice assistant with its technology later this year, entering what's getting to be a crowded space packed with the likes of Amazon, Google, Apple and more.

Google money lost in Bermuda Triangle
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Bend it, shake it, anyway you want IT

Tech leviathan Google is up to its tax tricks again.

UK threatens to tax big tech over extremist content
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Like that will ever happen

Over the holidays, the UK government started to talk big about taxing big tech companies which fail to tackle extremist content.

Google abandons Pixel C
Published in AI
29 December 2017

Google abandons Pixel C

Tame Apple Press celebrates

Google has finally given up on its Pixel C flagship tablet.

Apple loses top chipman
Published in Mobiles
22 December 2017

Apple loses top chipman

John Bruno moves to Google

ATI and later AMD started the great trend of letting journalists talk to actual engineers. Nvidia followed, and soon I had the chance to meet John Bruno, who this week is leaving Apple to shift to Google.

Schmidt demotes himself to technical advisor
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Wants to spend more time with science and tech issues

The executive chairman of Alphabet's board of directors, Eric Schmidt, has demoted himself from executive chairman of Alphabet's board of directors and become a technical adviser.

EU 2.4 billion euro fine was designed to surprise Google
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Watchdog wanted a deterrent effect

The European Union aimed for a “deterrent effect” on Google and other technology giants when it ordered the internet search outfit to pay 2.4 billion euro ($2.8 billion) for breaching antitrust law over how it displays shopping ads.