Yandex might leave London and Paris
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Streets are not paved with gold any more

Cash strapped Russian internet giant Yandex is gradually winding down the Paris operations of its e-grocery service Yango Deli and might have to exit from London.

US steps up technology sanctions on Russia
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Claim it is being used to avoid other sanctions

The United States imposed fresh sanctions on Russia, targeting the technology sector, in response to Tsar Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine.

Russian internet Great Wall might require too much hardware
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Internet close to breaking point

Russian plans to build a great wall of Moscow which will mean its citizens only hear what Tsar Putin and his glorious state broadcasters tell them, might fall flat because of a lack of hardware.

Russian hackers trying to hack NATO
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Some eastern European governments also targeted

Russian hackers have attempted to penetrate the networks of NATO and the militaries of some eastern European countries.

Yandex will run out of hardware in a year
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Russia's Google which creates products ranging from the country's dominant search engine to its biggest ride-hail service, will have run out of hardware in about a year.

Russian hackers scanning US energy companies
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FBI rather concerned

The untouchables have warned that Russian hackers have been scanning the systems of energy companies and other critical infrastructure in the United States.

Russian army faces 21st century problem.
Published in Mobiles

Soldiers with phones

The Washington Post reports Russian troops in Ukraine "have relied, with surprising frequency, on unsecured communication devices such as smartphones and push-to-talk radios."

Russians bomb retro computer technology museum
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Pacman machines clearly have a military purpose

One of the casualties of the Russian/Ukraine war has been the destruction of more than 500 pieces of retro computer and technology history.

Russian newspaper accidently reports truth, blames hackers
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We are sorry this will not happen again

Russian media has apologised for publishing an accurate death toll from the Ukraine war and blamed hackers for the mistake.

Facebook is extremist court rules
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In Russia disagreeing with Tsar Putin makes you a neo-nazi extremist

A Moscow court said on Monday that Meta was guilty of "extremist activity", but its WhatsApp messenger service was not.