Apple went to hell when Steve Jobs died
Former engineer spins the beans
Apple turned against customers and its employees after the death of co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs; a fired Apple engineer claims in a lawsuit.

Why the “post-PC” era never happened
Ever get the impression you have been lied to?
In 2007 Steve Jobs announced that humanity had entered the “post PC era” and that the world would be completely mobile.

Italians now own Steve Jobs
You toucha our brand we breaka your face
Apple no longer owns the right to Steve Jobs’ name after a landmark trademark dispute in Italy.

Jane Fonda flogs Apple holy relics
30 Jobs owned items for sale
Jane Fonda is kicking off a trade in religious relics based around the worship of the dead Apple prophet, Steve Jobs.

Apple hopes the Supremes will believe in them
We are not gangsters really
Fruity Cargo cult Apple is hoping that the US Supreme Court will throw out a case in which its Messiah, Steve Jobs was found guilty of running an illegal cartel with the leading publishers which conspired to push up the price of books.

Jobs movie accurate claims writer
Jobs is apparently still spinning in his grave

Apple goes on offensive over Steve Jobs movie
Apple and its chums on the Tame Apple Press are doing their level best to rubbish the next Steve Jobs flick which portrays him as a megalomaniac, spin merchant who really was no technical genius.

Steve Jobs shattered his most famous quote
Don’t follow your passion
Steve Jobs was famous for his coffee mug philosophies on life and one of the most quoted was the phrase “follow your passion.”
Steve Jobs missed the cloud boat
Even though he saw it coming
Jobs could be facing jailtime if he were alive
Wouldn't be the first cult leader behind bars