Chipzilla releases Thunderbolt Share
Published in News

Screen and file sharing between PCs

Intel has unveiled the Thunderbolt Share software, which is crafted to provide a straightforward, swift, and effective method for sharing screen and files between two PCs.

Intel boosts Thunderbolt maximum transfer rate
Published in News

Up to 80Gbps

Chipzilla is finally getting around to boosting the transfer rate of its Thunderbolt tech,

2022 might be the year of Intel’s Thunderbolt
Published in PC Hardware

Should be on half of PCs

Outside Apple, Intel’s Thunderbolt super-speedy connection technology isn't widely used but that is about to change.

More news on Thunderbolt 4 emerges
Published in News

Should be around this year

Chipzilla has revealed more about Thunderbolt 4 - its cable connectivity product - and is telling anyone who will listen that it can docks with up to four Thunderbolt ports and universal cables up to two meters in length.

Thunderbolt enables hackers hard drive access
Published in News

All Thunderbolt-enabled PCs manufactured before 2019 affected

Vulnerabilities discovered in the Thunderbolt connection standard could allow hackers to access the contents of a locked laptop’s hard drive within minutes, according to an insecurity researcher from the Eindhoven University of Technology.

Apple sauces up monitor with GPU
Published in Graphics

5k thunderbolt monitor

Fruity cargo cult Apple is set to launch a new version of its Thunderbolt monitor so it can handle 5K resolution (5120x2880) using its own discrete GPU placed behind the screen.

Intel strikes lucky with Thunderbolt at last
Published in Network

Thanks to USB type C

After years of Intel failing to convincing people that Thunderbolt has a use, the tech finally appears to be taking off.

Gigabyte releases Thunderbolt gear mini-PC
Published in AI

All in all you are another BRIX in the Wall

Gigabyte has released four new compact PCs with Intel’s Thunderbolt 3 over USB Type-C supported.

QNAP releases first Thunderbolt 2 NAS
Published in News

Media market

QNAP Systems has released what it claims is the world’s first Thunderbolt 2 Turbo NAS.

Gigabyte supports Thunderbolt 3
Published in Transportation

On select motherboards

Motherboard maker Gigabyte is rolling out a new firmware update to enable Thunderbolt 3 support on select motherboards.