Manufacturers embellish truth about battery life
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Which? calls them out

Consumer outfit Which? claims that manufacturers are not telling the truth when it comes to claims about battery life.

Industry ignores Samsung’s tough battery standard
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We wonder why?

Samsung has learnt a lot from its incredible flaming battery fiasco, but it seems it is not having much luck in teaching the industry to learn from its mistakes.

94-year-old extends battery life three-fold
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Like a Li-on in Zion

A team of engineers led by 94-year-old John Goodenough, professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, and co-inventor of the lithium-ion battery, has developed solid-state battery cells that could last three times longer.

Razer shows off its own Power Bank external battery
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Packing 12,800mAh of capacity

Razer said its new product that is actually an external battery unit, called the Razer Power Bank,  not only has plenty of USB ports but packs 12,800mAh battery capacity.

Samsung’s battery factory catches fire
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Cue the jokes

The Tame Apple Press is full of stories claiming that Samsung’s battery factory in Northern China has just caught fire.

Boffins create built-in battery fire extinguishers
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Smash iPhone in case of fire

A team of boffins from Stanford University have emerged from their smoke-filled labs with a lithium-ion battery which has its own built-in fire extinguisher.

Lenovo P2 has a three-day charge
Published in Mobiles

5,100mAh battery and fast charging

The people at Lenovo have hit upon an interesting gimmick for their P2 phone – they are flogging it with a three-day battery life.

Apple’s battery woes spread
Published in Mobiles

New upgrades make unaffected iPhone 6s sick

Apple seems to be serious in its cunning plan to get users to update to the iPhone 7, by issuing an update which was supposed to fix a problem with the iPhone 6s battery but actually spread the problem instead.

Apple removes Macbook Pro's battery indicator
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Have faith in our marketing claims

The fruity tax-dodging cargo cult Apple has a novel way of stopping its users from finding out the truth about its bogus marketing claims about battery life – it has stripped the iOS from any method of measuring it.

The Galaxy Note was a flawed design
Published in Mobiles

Putting 50 pounds of mud in a five-pound bag

It seems that the Galaxy Note caught fire because it had the same problem as Dolly Parton at an award’s ceremony. If you stick 50 pounds of mud in a five-pound bag you are going to get a flaming wardrobe malfunction.