Trump bans US transactions WeChat and TikTok
Published in Mobiles

China expected to strike back

US President Donald Trump has unveiled sweeping bans on US transactions with the Chinese owners of messaging app WeChat and video-sharing app TikTok.

Trump post taken down for misleading facts
Published in News

Apparently, children do get COVID-19

President Donald Trump has found one of his COVID-19 posts rejected by social media groups because it is wrong.

Trump promised to pardon Assange
Published in News

If he denied Trump's Russian links

US President Donald Trump offered Julian Assange a pardon if he would say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic party emails, a court in London has been told.

Trump turns on Apple for helping terrorists
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We helped you, now help us

President Donald Trump lashed out at Apple and slammed the iPhone maker for what he said was its refusal to unlock phones used by terrorists while benefiting from government help on trade.

Russian hackers try to save Trump
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Want emails to help his impeachment case

Russian military hackers appear to be trying to gather evidence for Donald Trump’s impeachment defence.

Ivanka Trump to speak at CES
Published in News

No one is sure why

Professional blonde Ivanka Trump is to be a keynote speaker at CES and no one is really sure why.

Amazon blames Trump for Jedi loss
Published in Cloud

"Named must be your fear before banish it you can"

Amazon accused US President Donald Trump of exerting “improper pressure” and bias that led the Department of Defense to award a lucrative $10 billion cloud contract to Microsoft.

Apple tries to avoid Chinese tariffs
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We don't think Apple fanboys should be paying

Apple is thinking different and believes that it should not be paying tariffs as part of the US's trade war with China.

Trump protects US Big Tech from foreign regulators
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Working them into the fine print of trade agreements

Foreign watchdogs will have to allow US Big Tech to shaft their consumers under the terms of doing business with the US.

Trump warns Big Tech to exit China
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Nvidia deal with Mellanox in trouble

US President Donald [Prince of Orange] Trump has ordered American companies to exit China after Beijing unveiled retaliatory tariffs on $75 billion worth of US goods.