Was Jedi delay all about Trump’s hatred of the Washington Post?
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Questions in the Senate

Two Democratic senators asked US Defense Secretary Mark Esper to explain if the investigation into the $10 billion Jedi cloud contract was all about the fact that Trump hates the way the Washington Post reports him.

Trump says Mac Pro will suffer from tariffs
Published in PC Hardware

Will be even more expensive

US President Donald [Prince of Orange ] Trump has decided that the US flagship of corporate capitalism Apple will have to pay tariffs on Mac Pro parts made in China.

Trump tampering with  science data on government data bases
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Bible says there will be no more floods

It appears that the US government has been purging scientific data on Climate Change from databases.

Republicans tell Trump to stop listening to the Oracles
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Get your foot off the brake of $10 billion Pentagon cloud contract

Four Republican members of US Congress, including House Armed Services Committee ranking member Mac Thornberry, have told President Donald Trump to stop messing around with the $10 billion cloud contract with the Defence Department.

Trump on the wrong side of Bitcoin history
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Analyst warns

US President Trump is wrong and is placing himself on the wrong side of history on Bitcoin – but cryptocurrencies should be regulated, says the boss of one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory organisations.

Trump investigates why the French are taxing US companies
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Might issue new tariffs

Fresh after getting a UK diplomat fired for secretly telling his bosses that the US president was unstable, Donald [Prince of Orange] Trump has decided to bully the French into allowing US tech companies to continue their tax-free antics in Europe.

Reddit restricts Pro-Trump forum
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Someone has a problem with Trump supporters planning to kill police and elected officials

Social media site Reddit has restricted access to a major forum for supporters of US President Donald Trump, citing threats of violence against police and public officials.

Senior member of Trump’s FCC jailed for fraud
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Broadband chairman lacked fibre

The former head of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC) has been jailed for  five years for defrauding investors.

Trump will force non-Chinese 5G equipment on US telcos
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How socialist of him

US President Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump is looking to require next-generation 5G cellular equipment used in the United States to be designed and manufactured outside China.

China might play its trump card
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Rare earths – no US electronics without it

As Donald (Prince of Orange) attempts to win his trade war with China by opening a new front against Mexico, he has forgotten that the Middle Kingdom has a trump card it can play.