Sony's VR dreams meet hard reality
Published in PC Hardware

No one wants them

Sony's gone and hit the pause button on their shiny PlayStation VR 2 headsets because people were not snapping them up fast enough since its grand debut in February last year.

BitTorrent's reign over
Published in News

Clouds and streams take the crown

BitTorrent is not the top dog of the web anymore – after 20 years of ruling the roost, it's been knocked off its perch by none other than cloud storage and video junkies at YouTube.

Hertz CEO hits the brakes amid EV chaos
Published in News

EV Hertz, our bottom line

Hertz Global Holdings' big cheese, Stephen Scherr, is hanging up his keys on 31 March after the firm's wallet took a whopping hit thanks to a gamble on electric motors.

Samsung's patent brawl
Published in News

Tech giant stands its ground against troll onslaught

Telephone maker Samsung has been thrown in the ring with shedloads of money-grabbing patent trolls.

TSMC stocks soar
Published in News
18 March 2024

TSMC stocks soar

AI mania eclipses geopolitical fears

The AI gold rush is leaving geopolitical jitters in the dust, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is leading the charge.

Qualcomm's latest AI chip out
Published in Mobiles

Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor

Qualcomm's gone all in with its new Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor, set to turbocharge the swankiest smartphones and is chock-a-block with AI wizardry.

Jobs' Mob settles with Norfolk Council
Published in News

Pays €460 million

Fruity cargo cult Apple has waved the white flag to Norfolk County Council, forking over a jaw-dropping €460 million (about £385 million) after being slammed with accusations of duping shareholders.

 Dell's home office hullabaloo
Published in News

Remote workers snubbed for promotions

Grey tin Box shifter Dell has come up with a cunning way of both blessing home working while forcing people back to the office.

Apple set to borrow its AI innovation from Google
Published in AI

Turns out that it could not invent it after all

For the last few months the Tame Apple Press has been telling us how the Fruity Cargo Cult Apple would arrive late on the scene with new AI technology that was going to clean everyone else’s clock.

Nvidia's blockbuster buyout bash
Published in AI

Run:ai's a prize in a €1 billion tech tussle

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn claiming that tech titan Nvidia is eyeing Israeli whizz-kid Run: AI as a buyout for a cool €1 billion.