Samsung almost ready with 3nm smartphone chip
Published in Mobiles

The watch comes first

Two years after Samsung launched mass production with its 3nm technology, they're finally gearing up to release 3nm Exynos chips for Android phones.

Neuralink founder explains why he fled the company
Published in News

Wants to create something less dangerous and invasive than Russia

Benjamin Rapoport, one of the actual brains behind Elon [look at me] Musk's Neuralink,has decided to flee from the brain-computer interface firm, and he's been spilling the beans about why.

PC sales start to increase
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Server sales are still down

Number crunchers at Jon Peddie Research (JPR) are reporting that the client PC CPU market has hit 62 million units in the first quarter of 2024, which is a 33 per cent jump from last year.

Telefonica Germany moves 5G customers to AWS
Published in Network

A bit of network lebensraum

Telefonica Germany is set to shift a million of its 5G customers to Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud later this month, the company chiefs have told Reuters. The American online shop is making a gutsy play to muscle into the global telecoms scene.

Tame Apple Press too moist over Apple’s latest chip
Published in News

Desperate to believe anything

The Tame Apple Press is getting rather too excited about Jobs’ Mob’s latest M4 processor, which has been put under the bonnet of its new iPad Pro refresh.

The AI of today will be a joke in a year’s time
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What we have now is stupid and unreliable

OpenAI's top dog, Brad Lightcap, has been dishing out gossip about the future of talkative ChatGPT bots and says that what we see now will be a joke in a year’s time.

Google launches Pixel 8a
Published in Mobiles

$499 for 128GB same camera setup

After numerous leaks Google has officially launched a new iteration of price affordable Pixel 8a phone and kept the $499 / €549 starting price.

US government about to build an AI supercomputer
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Nvidia-based machine will run government departments

The Pentagon's go-to tech whizzes at MITRE are splashing out a whopping $20 million (€18.6 million) on a supercomputer with Nvidia's most brainy chips to give Uncle Sam's AI a turbo boost.

US blocks companies from selling chips to Huawei
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Tightens restrictions

Uncle Sam's not letting Huawei get its  mitts on any semiconductors from Qualcomm and Intel and is trying to put a spanner in the works for Huawei's phone and laptop chip supply.

Microsoft makes changes to task manager
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RAM gets a rethink

Software King of the World Microsoft is shaking things up in the Task Manager world.