Huawei’s chips match Zen 3
Published in PC Hardware

HiSilicon V120 are four years behind

A Geekbench 6 result shows what could be the first look at the speed of the Taishan V120, made by Huawei's HiSilicon arm.

Boffins come up with AI worms
Published in News

Fear is the mind-killer

A team of boffins has made one of the first AI worms - which can spread from one system to another, nicking data or dropping viruses on the way.

Apple sued for playing monopoly
Published in News

Cloud scams made users pay more

Fruity cargo cult Apple is facing a lawsuit accusing the tech giant of running an illegal monopoly over digital storage for its customers.

HDMI Forum snubs AMD's open-source plea
Published in Graphics

Wants to keep specs members only

AMD has hit a brick wall in its bid to boost its open-source Linux graphics driver.

Biden blocks bargain Chinese cars
Published in Transportation

They are cheaper and better, and we can't compete so they are "insecure"

The US President, Joe Biden, is trying to stop cheap and cheerful Chinese smart cars from coming to America. The US government says it is looking into the "security implications" of letting China sell its intelligent cars, claiming that it can collect data about the drivers.

Microsoft's new API to boost game graphics
Published in Graphics

Claims to have created the missing link

Software King of the World, Microsoft, has unveiled a new Windows API to provide game developers with a seamless way to integrate super-resolution AI-upscaling features from Nvidia, AMD, and Intel.

Apple talks up AI vapourware
Published in AI

So you will forget all about the car vapourware 

Jobs' Mob Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has announced plans to reveal more about his AI ambitions later this year. Yep, he is so confident about his AI plans that he plans to announce the plans one of these days.

FBI snoops on your phone to catch crooks
Published in News

And women seeking abortions

The FBI uses a sneaky trick to unmask criminals who use their phones to do evil deeds or women who stand against the “handmaiden laws” of their state.

Crypto crooks use Calendly to con coiners
Published in News

Apple fanboys are a soft target

Apple fanboys are being targeted by a .scam that uses Calendly, a popular online meeting tool, to trick them into installing nasty malware.

Wackypedia wants to make CNet disappear now
Published in News

Time for another witchhunt 

The fake penis experts and phoney doctors at Wikipedia have taken time out from trying to make Fudzilla and Mike Magee disappear and decided to downgrade CNN, claiming its reporting is not significant any more.