US government gives Intel €7.9 billion after all
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The wonders of socialism

Ever keen to show the commies how propping up the industry with government cash is a bad idea, the US government has written a cheque to Chipzilla for €7.9 Billion.

Reddit's IPO Drama
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20 March 2024

Reddit's IPO Drama

Nokia cries foul over patents

Digital gabfest and meme emporium, Reddit is all dolled up for its grand stock market debut, but Nokia has thrown a spanner in the works.

Microsoft headhunts former Google AI brainiac
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Mustafa Suleyman becomes a top Vole

Software King of the World Microsoft has nicked Mustafa Suleyman as its new head of consumer AI.

Saudi Arabia's mega €36 billion AI gamble
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Silicon Valley giants wooed for desert tech oasis

Saudi Arabia's government is poised to splash out €36 billion on artificial intelligence.

Nvidia CEO snubs AI doomsday clock
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Artificial General Intelligence not all it is cracked up to be

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang is fed up with stories about Artificial General Intelligence taking over the world.

Nvidia officially unveils Blackwell GPU architecture at GTC
Published in Graphics

Impressive AI performance, 208 billion transistors, 192GB of HMB3e memory, and more

NVIDIA has officially unveiled its next-generation Blackwell GPU architecture at the 2024 GTC AI conference which kicked off last night with Nvidia's CEO Jensen Huang keynote. Built on a 4NP TSMC manufacturing process and using MCM design for unified GPU, the new architecture promises much higher AI performance and plenty of other architectural improvements.

Windows 11 update woes
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Tech Turmoil

Windows 11's latest patch, KB5035853, is wreaking havoc on laptops and handhelds.

Nvidia's robot revolution
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I am Project gr00t

Nvidia's gone full sci-fi, unveiling Project GR00T – the  AI set to turbocharge our future plastic pals who are fun to be with some serious smarts.

Tech budgets blast off
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Survey sees spending increase

Companies are loosening their purse strings, with nearly half of those surveyed in Tech Target/Enterprise Strategy Group's 2024 survey saying they're upping their spending.

AI fibbers fined
Published in News
19 March 2024

AI fibbers fined

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Two investment advisors were caught lying about their fancy AI tech. The US bigwigs have fined them heftily for puffing up their AI credentials.