While rumors of a Microsoft TV type service for Xbox Live have been spreading for a long time now, word is that Microsoft finally has its ducks in a row for a launch of the new TV service this holiday season. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed that this was the case at a financial analyst meeting last week.
The new TV service for the Xbox platform will be a streaming service that will feature live programming as well as a number of on-demand services. Microsoft has apparently worked out deals with number of video-content suppliers to stock the channel full of content.
Microsoft will offer both Bing support for searching and Kinect support for voice commands. Microsoft apparently believes that these two features give Microsoft an advantage over competitors. While analysts believe that an integrated streaming TV service is a good idea, it will only become an advantage for the company if it is implemented in the right way.
Other than its arrival this fall, Microsoft has not announced plans for pricing or availability beyond the Xbox 360 platform. It is thought that the service could be planned to be offered as a part of Xbox Live on the Windows 8 platform, but Microsoft has not confirmed this to be the case.