Published in News

Apple fed my kid porn

by on22 January 2010


And he liked it

While Apple is running around censoring anything that moves on the iPhone it appears that it has missed the ball in a fairly crucial area.

Apple bought beefed-up parental controls and means that parents can decide what apps their kids can buy based on four standard age ratings. But a side effect of Apple's move means that soft-core porn could be approved for sale if was rated 17+.

Fair enough, but the problem is that access is only restricted for purchasing, not browsing in the App Store. Effectively even with the iPhone's setting of being suitable for a four year old the kid can visit the App store and see boobies.

This is causing problems in some schools where the iPod touch is being used as a teaching tool. Teachers don't have breasts of course, well other than Miss Kori and Mr Smith. Bug reports have been filed with Apple but so far nothing has happened.

It will be funny when the technology is rolled out onto a tablet. That would make the pictures even bigger.
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