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Italian judge explains why he banged up Google execs

by on13 April 2010


Internet sites have to filter

An Italian
judge has explained why he gave three Google executives jail sentences over a YouTube video. The judge convicted three Google employees of violating the privacy of an autistic teenager because the internet giant sought profit when it hosted an online video of him being bullied, the judicial documents show.

Judge Oscar Magi in Milan said Google employees bore responsibility because the internet giant intended to profit by selling advertising on the site where the footage was posted.

While it is fair enough to write something on a wall of the internet, if you stick an advert on that wall you are responsible for the content.
The judge said the decision should be interpreted as a requirement that internet service providers must screen the enormous amount of video that passes through their sites, Judge Magi said.

The charges are a result of a YouTube video which showed an autistic student in Turin being pushed, pummelled with objects, including a pack of tissues, and insulted by classmates, who called him a "mongoloid".

Google argued that it was unaware of the offensive material and acted swiftly to remove it after being notified by authorities, taking the video down within two hours.

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