Published in
Thursday, 14 December 2023 11:41
General Motors explains why it ditched Apple Carplay
Safety reasons -- Apple users are idiots
General Motors has cited safety as the reason it decided to phase out Apple CarPlay and Android Auto and move to built-in infotainment systems developed with Google.

Published in
Monday, 17 April 2023 12:00
General Motors dumps Apple Carplay
Tame Apple press goes into meltdown
The Tame Apple Press has been calling on its readers to boycott General Motors cars after the outfit dumped Apple Play or Android Auto as its in-car entertainment system.

Published in
Wednesday, 24 July 2019 11:11
Buying a BMW with CarPlay will saddle you with a yearly bill
Each BMW owner saddled with a software cow
It is starting to look like BMW's insistance that its owners have Apple CarPlay will saddle them with an annual debt.