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TSMC's building third 2nm fab
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Because men have fabs, real men build them on toxic waste sites.

The Kaohsiung city government has blessed a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. project to build a third 2nm fab.

Something is wrong with Qualcomm’s new AI/Copilot PCs
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Vole and Qualcomm trying to prevent independent reviews

Our esteemed former colleague Charlie Demerjian [pictured] thinks that the much-hyped Qualcomm/Microsoft AI/Copilot PCs contain something deeply rotten.

Musk’s tin turkey recalled again
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Fourth time now

Since its grand debut late last year, Tesla has once again summoned its Cybertruck back to the garage for what will be the fourth recall for the stainless steel-clad behemoth. 

Microsoft faces EU Antitrust scrutiny over Teams and Office
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It is abusive

The European Union has scrutinised the software king of the world Microsoft, alleging antitrust violations stemming from what it deems an "abusive" bundling practice.

Korean ISP KT in malware controversy
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Distributed malware to disrupt torrenting

Korean Internet provider KT has been accused of distributing malware to its customers to slow down and block torrenting on its networks.