Playing video games good for kids
Not what we were told
While the world+dog has been trying to blame computer games for the collapse of society, it turns out that they might be the only thing that are saving it.

Video games boost kids IQs
Bad news for those who want a new generation to grow up as stupid as them
Researchers have linked spending more time playing video games with a boost in intelligence in children, which goes some way to contradict the narrative that gaming is bad for young minds.

China bans new video games
Addiction to Go, OK. Addition to World of Warcraft less so
Chinese authorities have banned all new video games from being released indefinitely, as the government attempts to tackle what it calls gaming addiction in the under-18s.

More than half of Germans play video games
Average age is 37
More than half of Germans play computer and video games according to new figures out from the German Games Industry Association.

Coronavirus increased the value of video games companies
Market cap of leading video game companies jumped by $354.5 billion this year
As an industry custom built for people to stay indoors, the global video games market has boomed in the last few months, bringing huge profits for the leading gaming companies and their shareholders.

Video games market to hit $92 billion this year
Now a leading form of entertainment
The video games industry continues to generate huge profits from its huge player base according to data gathered by GoldenCasinoNews.