Nazi game creates Polish outrage in Poland
Published in Gaming

You are a prison death-camp guard who kills prisoners what's wrong with that?

The normalisation of Pro-Nazi ideas continues to grow with the development of a computer game where players are Nazi concentration camp guards who slaughter prisoners.

White supremacist groups recruiting gamers
Published in Gaming

Neo-nazi groups still using Discord

White Supremacist groups are using the online game Discord to groom and recruit gamers into their backward hate cult.

Fallout 76 gets official PC system requirements
Published in Gaming

Higher requirements compared to Fallout 4

Bethesda has officially released both the minimum and recommended PC system requirements for its upcoming Fallout 76 game which is coming on November 14th.

Fallout 76 beta promises spectacular bugs and other issues
Published in Gaming

Bethesda says release 'a starting line' not a finished game.

Games outfit Bethesda has said there are some howlers in the beta version of Fall-out 76 and it is relying on players to report bugs.

Rockstar brags about over working developers
Published in Gaming

Sweatshops are a selling point apparently

The world has become a somewhat darker place when a games company co-founder thinks it is ok to brag about over working his developers. .