Kingston has updated its line of solid state drive with yet another HyperX branded SSD series based on the Sandforce SF-2281 controller, the HyperX 3K SSD series.
Unlike the already available HyperX SH100S3 SSD series, the new ones (SH103S3) use a "lower quality" but still premium synchronous NAND flash chips that are enough for 3000 program-erase cycles, thus the 3K monicker in the model name. The original HyperX SSD used Intel's 25nm MLC NAND enough for 5K P/E cycles. The use of these NAND chips will bring lower price but maintain the performance and quality that are worthy of HyperX brand.
Both lines use the same Sandforce SF-2281 controller and have pretty much the same specs as the only difference that we were able to see is a minor difference in maximum random 4K read and write. The new HyperX 3K series will be available in 90, 120, 240 and 480GB capacities and offer sequential read and write speeds of up to 555MB/s and 510MB/s. The 480GB model has a slightly lower 540MB/s and 450MB/s transfer speeds. The sustained random 4K is set at 20k/50k for 90GB all the way to 60k/45k for the 480GB model while maximum random 4k read and write is set at anywhere between 85k/74k for the 90GB model to 75k/48k for the 480GB one.
Same as the original HyperX SSD series, these will also be available as a stand-alone drive or upgrade bundle kit, and will offer same three-year warranty. It will be packed in a same aluminum 2.5-inch case that is now colored in black.
Unfortunately, other than a promise that it will be cheaper, Kingston didn't shed any light regarding the actual price of this SSD series or the actual release date. You can check out the full specification list here.