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Exceleram announces new memory modules and kits

by on16 October 2012

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The X Series with Hynix CFR chips

Exceleram has updated its memory lineup with a brand new X Series of memory modules and kits that will be using Hynix CFR chips.

The lineup includes single modules and kits ranging from 1333MHz to 1866MHz as single 2 or 4GB modules and 8GB (2x4GB) kits. Some of them come without heatsink and some come with Black or White Sark heatsinks.

You can check out the entire lineup below.

E30106X 2GB (1x2GB) 1333MHz, CL9, 1.5V, w/o Heatsink
E30112X 4GB (1x4GB) 1333MHz, CL9, 1.5V, w/o Heatsink
E30149X 4GB (1x4GB) 1600MHz, CL11, 1.5V, w/o Heatsink
E30146X 4GB (1x4GB) 1600MHz, CL9, 1.5V, w/o Heatsink
E30150X 4GB (1x4GB) 1866MHz, CL9, 1.65V, w/o Heatsink
E30138X 8GB (2x4GB) 1866MHz, CL9. 1.65V, Black Sark Heatsink
E30149XB 4GB (1x4GB) 1600MHz, CL11, 1.5V, Black PCB, w/o Heatsink
E30146XB 4GB (1x4GB) 1600MHz, CL9, 1.5V, Black PCB, w/o Heatsink
EBW301X 8GB (2x4GB) 1600MHz, CL9, 1.5V, Black PCB, White Sark Heatsink
E30150XB 4GB (1x4GB) 1866MHz, CL9, 1.65V, Black PCB, w/o Heatsink
E30138XB 8GB (2x4GB) 1866MHz, CL9. 1.65V, Black PCB, Black Sark Heatsink

exceleram whitesark 1

Last modified on 17 October 2012
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