US government looking to curb Musk's power
Published in News
Monday, 24 October 2022 09:40

US government looking to curb Musk's power

Looks like we have another tyranny problem 

The US government is investigating some of Elon [look at me] Musk's antics over concerns that he might be over stepping his bounds.

Russian courts rubber stamp fake fines
Published in News
Wednesday, 19 October 2022 11:31

Russian courts rubber stamp fake fines

Targetting US based social media 

Russian courts have been rubber stamping fines against US social media for refusing to crack down on fake news about Russia's glorious special operation in Ukraine and other matters offensive to Tsar Vladimir Putin. 

China-fighting US government investment in chips wipes value from chipmakers
Published in PC Hardware

This was not such a good idea after all

While you might think that taking tax payers money away from poor people and giving it to rich chip makers might help build them up, it turns out that giving them too much cash has been a poisoned pill  $240 Billion Stock Valuation on the deal. 

Companies consider firing remote staff
Published in News
Thursday, 06 October 2022 11:29

Companies consider firing remote staff

The new underclass of corporate slaves

Companies looking to fire staff to save money to give their senior executives bonuses, might be looking to getting rid of remote workers first.

US Supreme Court tells Apple to go away again
Published in News

You did not really invent it, deal with it  

The US Supreme Court declined to hear Apple's bid to revive an effort to cancel three Qualcomm smartphone patents.

US and UK enact data agreement
Published in Cloud
Tuesday, 04 October 2022 11:50

US and UK enact data agreement

All your data can be fondled by cops on both sides of the big water

The Data Access Agreement (DAA), by which the US and UK have agreed how one country can respond to lawful data demands from police and investigators in the other is now up and running.

US government to give leading foundry makers 25 per cent tax credit
Published in News

Makes $10,000 student loan forgiveness look like small change

Foundry operators stand to benefit from a 25 percent investment tax credit (ITC) on domestic fab projects, according to a document published by the US Department of Commerce.

US discovers flaw in cunning electric vehicle plan
Published in Transportation

Apparently, you need a reasonably good power supply 

The US might be moving its vehicles to electricity, but it has not resolved the fact that its private enterprise based power grid is pretty third world in parts of the country.

US bans 3nm processing technique exports on security grounds
Published in News

China targeted

The United States is formally banning the export of four technologies tied to semiconductor manufacturing, calling the protection of the items "vital to national security." 

US might get net neutrality back
Published in News
Tuesday, 19 July 2022 10:07

US might get net neutrality back

If the phone companies do not get their way

US Congressional Democrats are expected to introduce a new bill codifying net neutrality in the coming weeks.