US finally realises it is a bad idea to let cryptocurrency fanboys make policy
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They will try to improve the value of their investments

The US government has just realised that it is probably a bad idea to allow cryptocurrency fanboys make policy on the dodgy ponzi schemes.

US coppers use phone messages to prosecute women seeking abortions
Published in Mobiles

It is what the Taliban would have done

The Washington Post has discovered that US coppers have already been using evidence gathered on mobile phones to arrest pregnant women seeking information on abortions.

Satellite 5G a bit of a mess across the pond
Published in Network

Dish Network and Space X service tiggered

Things are starting to look a mess for 5G across in the US where the Dish Network thought it could share the 12 GHz band with SpaceX.

Schmidt wants US to back Taiwan and South Korean chipmakers
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Keep using Asians but outsourced to the US 

The US should do more to attract overseas chipmakers to build plants on its territory as a matter of national security, former Google chief Eric Schmidt wrote.

US Republicans want Google and Apple to ban Chinese Apps
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Make America grate again

Republican Senators want to bar U.S. app stores including Apple and Google from hosting apps that allow payments to be made with China's digital currency,

US Army could waste $22 billion on Voleware
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Soldiers not that interested in Microsoft HoloLens headsets

The US Army could end up wasting much as $22 billion in taxpayer cash on Microsoft HoloLens headsets which soldiers don’t want and can’t use as intended.

US Department of Defense fears quantum cats
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Tsar Putin and his Chinese chums might call in the moggies

David Spirk, the chief data officer for America's Department of Defense, is rather worried about the potential of quantum computers to crack encryption on sensitive data.

US faces dire consequences if it does not prop up semiconductor industry
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White house worries

The White House held a classified briefing with some U.S. lawmakers on the dire risks to the American economy from semiconductor supply chain issues as it pushes Congress for $52 billion in funding to subsidise production.

US steps up technology sanctions on Russia
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Claim it is being used to avoid other sanctions

The United States imposed fresh sanctions on Russia, targeting the technology sector, in response to Tsar Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine.

Russian hackers scanning US energy companies
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Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:29

Russian hackers scanning US energy companies

FBI rather concerned

The untouchables have warned that Russian hackers have been scanning the systems of energy companies and other critical infrastructure in the United States.