Published in PC Hardware

Apple sued for not supplying dust filters

by on05 December 2018

Macs turned into dust bowl 

You think that if you pay to double the price for a laptop that is a year out of date, the supplier might stump up for some basic dust filters. Apple did not think so.

The fruity cargo cult believed that it could increase its margins on its iMac and MacBook models by avoiding the dust filters.

While this might have impressed the accountants, it seems it causes issues such as display imprecations, slowing performance, and more.

Law firm Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro is taking out a class action lawsuit. The lawyers have a class action litigation firm that has gone after Apple before. Most notably, the firm won the $450 million ebooks pricing case against Apple. Since then, Hagens Berman has levied other suits at Apple, including one about the performance throttling of iPhones.

Hagens Berman’s latest lawsuit alleges that and models sold since 2013 lack necessary dust filters. While the machines intake air to cool components, the lack of a filter means dust gets trapped inside. This leads to black spots on the display and performance problems when the dust gets stuck inside:

iMac and MacBook owners have reported dark smudges and spots on the interior of the screens of their desktop computers as well as excessive slowness and break downs of their computers related to the lack of filter on Apple computers.

The computer intakes air to cool its components, but with no filter, dust gets trapped inside. This affects the screen and logic board of the computer, leading to dust stuck behind the screen and gummed up motherboards, causing the computer to run slow and overheat.

Hagens Berman says “Apple refuses to remedy the defect”, instead of forcing affected customers to pay “more than $500 to fix this screen defect, and even more if they wish to replace parts integral to the computer’s speed and performance”.

The class action suit hopes to see Apple reimburse affected users for their losses in costs to repair the defect, as well as loss of use of their computer.

“We believe Apple owes it to the purchasers of these premium, high-end computers to pay for the widespread defect, and we seek to represent iMac owners to recover their losses in costs to repair this defect, or for their loss of use of their computer”, the lawyers said.


Last modified on 05 December 2018
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