ISPs go to court for the right to charge poor people what they like
It is the American way
US ISPs have asked the US Supreme Court to strike down a New York law requiring broadband providers to offer low-income people a $15-per-month service.

There are 22 million unemployed routers in the UK
It's time for a universal ISP router?
A new Uswitch (Opinium) survey of 2,000 UK adults, which was conducted last October 2021, has estimated that there are now 22 million “redundant” broadband ISP routers sitting in British homes, while 76 per cent of respondents want a “universal router” (i.e. one that can be used by any ISP) to help cut e-waste.

ISP switches off net until you see its advert
Thanks to Trump's FCC
A US ISP gave its customers a clear snapshot of the powers that were awarded to them by Donald Trump's FCC when it switched off the internet for its customers until they acknowledged reading an advert for one of the services it was peddling.

British ISPs banned from massaging broadband speed figures
You can’t claim speeds that most users don’t get
Broadband firms will no longer be able to advertise broadband speeds based numbers that only a few customers get.

Qualcomm Spectra ISP sense the depth
Deep into the soul of a frame
Qualcomm just announced the 2nd Generation Spectra ISP featuring active depth sensing module enhanced security, XR, and a better camera experience. To poke your interest, this ISP will likely be a part of the 2018 Snapdragon, the one that Qualcomm may end up calling Snapdragon 845.

ISPs giving up on warning pirates
It does not work
Major internet providers are ending a four-year-old system which gave “copyright alerts” to pirates when they viewed peer-to-peer pirated content.

European ISPs exaggerate their speeds
But are cheaper and faster than the US
A new EU Commission survey shows that European ISPs don't deliver on the download speeds they advertise. While the US ISPs are a little more honest, the Europeans are cheaper and faster.
Ofcom backs Big Content
ISPs have to grass up their customers
UK court says Pirate Bay must be blocked by ISPs
Age of censorship begins
ISPs must block Pirate Bay

Antwerp court rules