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RISC-V could go the way of Arm and x86
Published in News
Monday, 15 July 2024 10:43

RISC-V could go the way of Arm and x86

Torvalds’ prophecy

The softly spoken Linux prophet, Linus Torvalds has been consulting his bones and concluded that RISC-V might fall into the same development chasm between hardware and software developers seen by Arm and x86.

Torvalds releases Linux 6.5 kernel series
Published in News
Monday, 28 August 2023 10:24

Torvalds releases Linux 6.5 kernel series

Much better hardware support 

Linus Torvalds announced today the release of the Linux 6.5 kernel series as a major update with several new features, better hardware support, and other changes.

Torvalds converts to Apple
Published in News
Monday, 01 August 2022 11:16

Torvalds converts to Apple

Unlikely Apple Fanboy of the Year 

Linus Torvalds has praised the Asahi Linux distribution that runs on Apple gear for making Arm-powered computers useful for developers and says he wants an Apple mac now.

Linux could go Rusty in the next release
Published in News
Tuesday, 28 June 2022 11:21

Linux could go Rusty in the next release

We will C what happens next 

Linux has been written in the C programming language for more than 30 years but the last few years have seen a growing momentum to make the Rust programming language Linux's second Linux language.

Linus Torvalds did not create Bitcoin
Published in News
Monday, 07 February 2022 13:03

Linus Torvalds did not create Bitcoin

Mystery solved

Linus Torvalds has squashed an internet rumour that he is Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

PC Magazine claims 2021 Is the Year of Linux on the Desktop
Published in News

No, really

PC Magazine has dusted off an old and much mocked headline and claimed that 2021 Is the Year of Linux on the Desktop.

Linux is 30 years old
Published in News
Thursday, 26 August 2021 11:56

Linux is 30 years old

Still not on the desktop but not even Steve Ballmer saw this day coming

On August 25, 1991, Linus Torvalds, then a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, sent a message to the comp.os.minix newsgroup soliciting feature suggestions for a free Unix-like operating system he was developing as a hobby.

Former anti- open source Paragon wants to get stuff into the kernel
Published in News

Supported by that great peace-maker and diplomat Linus Torvalds

One does not normally expect to see IT’s Mr Sweary Linus Torvalds taking a diplomatic role, but he seems to be taking such a stance in the case of Paragon.

Anti-vaxer takes on Linus Torvalds
Published in News
Monday, 14 June 2021 10:57

Anti-vaxer takes on Linus Torvalds

Strong language and biology lessons used

An anti-vaxer who thought that a Linux kernel topic thread was a good venue to spread a poorly researched conspiracy theory found himself on the receiving end of some words from IT's Mr Sweary, Linus Torvalds.

Torvalds contemplates Rust
Published in News
Friday, 26 March 2021 12:09

Torvalds contemplates Rust

Well he is getting old

IT's Mr Sweary Linus Torvalds says he is that while he is not pushing for Rust, he is open to it.