Raspberry Pi wows London Stock Exchange
Buy, buy, buy
The cocaine nose jobs of the London Stock Exchange are totally enthused about the Raspberry PI this year.

BadRAM blunder
AMD’s 'Secure' chips exposed by a blackberry
AMD’s much-hyped “Secure Encrypted Virtualization” (SEV-SNP) tech—marketed as a fortress for cloud data—has been laid bare by an attack so laughably low-budget it makes a shoestring look extravagant.

Those were the Crays
Supercomputer out matched by a Raspberry Pi
The UK government’s supercomputers in the 1970s would now be outclassed by a Raspberry Pi according to one of the testors of both.

Vodafone puts Raspberry into 5G network
Raspberry Pi 4 PC with 5G onboard
Vodafone has revealed a prototype for a portable 5G network based around a cheap and cheerful Raspberry Pi 4 PC combined with a small 5G software-defined radio (SDR) from a company called Lime Microsystems.

Raspberry Pi 4 adds Vulkan support
It is only logical
The Raspberry Pi 4 has added support for a more modern Vulkan 3D API, giving the DIY cards a much-needed graphics lift.

Raspberry Pi OS abandons default user account
Blew a raspberry at security and regulations for years
Raspberry Pi OS (and most operating systems based on it will no longer ship with a default "pi" user account.

Raspberry Pi to get machine learning boost
Ultra low power machine learning applications
The Raspberry Pi is about to see an improvement in its machine learning abilities.

Raspberry Pi is calling up Microsoft
Users up in arms over Volish influence
Raspberry Pi users are upset that the PiOS has started calling up calling up Microsoft all of a sudden.

Raspberry Pi gets a fan
Fan and heatsink for $5
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has released a $5 fan combined with a small heatsink for the Raspberry Pi 4.

Nvidia engineer comes up with Vulkan graphics driver for the Raspberry Pi
Beating the Raspberry Pi Foundation
An Nvidia engineer has come up with an open-sourced Vulkan graphics driver for the Raspberry Pi.