Democrats might abandon big tech constraints
Terrified of losing the election if their employers get cross
A bipartisan legislative effort to rein in the nation's largest tech companies is facing fresh resistance from a faction of Senate Democrats who are worried that Big Tech will cut off their lobbying money before they go into an election.

Apple admits helping Trump spy on Democrats
Amazing what a subpoena will get you
Fruity cargo cult Apple has admitted that it helped the Trump administration Justice Department by handing over shedloads of data of House Intelligence Committee Democrats -- including Chairman Adam Schiff -- along with their staff and family members as part of a leak investigation.

US Democrats introduce a net neutrality bill
Save the Internet Act
Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced that Democrats will introduce a net neutrality bill to replace the open internet rules that were repealed in 2017.

US Democrats to push for net neutrality
Watching the Pai
US democrats are expected to use their new control over the House of Representatives to force the FCC to start doing its job again.

US counter-attacks Russian cyber efforts
NSA target Putin’s hackers
NSA hackers are targeting Russian government-linked hacking teams to see if they're responsible for the massive breach at the Democratic National Committee.