News - subcat

Special summer sale Windows 10 Pro $7.42 Office 2019 Pro costs $28.49
Published in News

Sponsored Post: Special sale of software in summer

U2Key has prepared a special discount for our readers. They offer extra 52.9% OFF Discount Code for some specific products with a code FUD.

This time they offer  games and console passes and software too.

US wasted $1.56 trillion on poor software
Published in News
Monday, 18 January 2021 10:44

US wasted $1.56 trillion on poor software

Not to mention failed IT projects

Not-for-profit IT leadership group the Consortium for Information and Software Security said that poor software cost the US $1.56 trillion last year.

Software development stuck in the 1990s
Published in News
Monday, 04 January 2021 11:22

Software development stuck in the 1990s

Shoulder pads in every project

MIT research fellow Jonathan Edwards has warned that while software "is eating the world. But progress in software technology itself largely stalled around 1996".

A third of developers don’t know when to quit
Published in News
Wednesday, 12 February 2020 11:04

A third of developers don’t know when to quit

Will code when they go home

More than a third of software developers can’t resist the urge to code when they go home at the end of the day, according to a report compiled by  French startup CodinGame.

Cybersecurity software revenue to hit $27 billion by 2023
Published in News

Humanity is an insecure species

Number crunchers at have been flipping their abacuses and reached the conclusion that cybersecurity software revenue is expected to reach $25.1 billion in revenue this year.

A third of developers are self taught
Published in News
Wednesday, 15 January 2020 10:05

A third of developers are self taught

Most content developers live in the UK

A third of developers consider themselves self-taught according to a new report from French start-up CodinGame.

Nuvia ARM server startup hires Jon Carvill
Published in PC Hardware
Monday, 25 November 2019 20:24

Nuvia ARM server startup hires Jon Carvill

Austin office and Jon Masters from RedHat IBM

Nuvia is the new name that can disrupt the fallen ARM server market, and just ten days after announcing the company, it made another significant announcement. Nuvia hired Jon Carvill as Vice president of Nuvia marketing and Jon Masters from RedHat IBM as Vice President of Software and opened an office in Austin (home of AMD and Samsung).  

Apple finally realises its software is pure comedy
Published in News

Someone finally read Fudzilla

For a while now we have been penning stories about how buggy Apple's software is getting, but now it seems someone at the Jobs' Mob Frying Saucer has got the message.

3D Subscription software driving move to open source
Published in News

Could this lead to Linux on the desktop?

3D software makers' move to subscription models is pushing people to use open-source software because users are fed up with the price and neurotic terms and conditions.

I don’t code any more
Published in News
Monday, 04 November 2019 11:25

I don’t code any more

Torvalds’ self-realisation

The IT industry’s Mr Sweary, Linus Torvalds, says he no longer considers himself a programmer these days.