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Intel’s Arrow Lake on target for Christmas
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When you’re in love, you’ll find those little arrows everywhere

Chipzilla is certain its Arrow Lake desktop gaming CPUs are “on track” to arrive in the last quarter of this year and that it's Lunar Lake mobile chips will arrive even sooner, in the third quarter of 2024.

The Internet is disappearing
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Pew, pew, pew

A recent study by Pew Research has found that the internet is vanishing, as web pages and online content are lost.

Thank goodness we dumped VMware
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Some customers were lucky

While some VMware customers are ruing the day Broadcom took over the company, others are really happy that they jumped ship when they had the chance.

Computer pioneer dies
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Bell tolls

Gordon Bell, a luminary in the field of computing and a revered figure in the preservation of its history, has died; he was 89.

Chipzilla reveals Lunar Lake plans
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AI performance for Copilot+ PCs

Intel has unveiled plans for its forthcoming Lunar Lake client processors to be incorporated into over 80 new laptop models from more than 20 OEMs starting in the third quarter of 2024.