Another security bug found in iOS
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You probably were not expecting this

Fruity cargo cult Apple is warning users of a bug in iOS 13 and iPadOS involving third-party keyboards.

How Apple was as evil as Google
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But no one cared

When Google started gutting the effectiveness of ad blockers on its Chrome browser, there was an outcry; but for some reason, no one cared that Apple had done the same thing for a year and a half.

China snubs Apple
Published in Mobiles
23 September 2019

China snubs Apple

Tumbleweed as few queue for iPhones

Apple’s latest iPhone 11 range hit stores in China, but only extremists bothered to queue, leaving the Tame Apple Press nothing to photograph.

iOS 13 shipped with a known bug
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What a surprise

The software genii at Apple, who struggled to write software which could tell the time, have produced another howler.

Microsoft detoxing Apple fanboys
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Converting them to the proper technology

The Tame Apple Press is furious after discovering that that software king of the world Microsoft has taken the missionary position on converting Apple fanboys to proper technology.

Apple claims to have invented Slofies
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Trademarks it

The inventor of the rounded rectangle, Apple claims to have invented the Slofie.

Apple's new watch is the old watch
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Mutton dressed as lamb

While the Tame Apple Press waxes lyrical with effusive praise about Apple's "new" iWatch, a few cynics have voided their warranty to discover that the device is just the old watch repackaged.

Wi-Fi gets its AX
Published in Network
18 September 2019

Wi-Fi gets its AX

Standard finalised

The Wi-Fi Alliance has finalised its Wi-Fi Certified 6 programme, aka. 802.11ax.

New York Times says don’t upgrade your iPhone
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The structure of the universe has changed

After years of wetting its pants with excitement every time a new iPhone comes out, the New York Times is telling its readers it is pointless to upgrade to the new iPhone.

Apple takes on the EU
Published in News
17 September 2019

Apple takes on the EU

We pay enough tax thanks

Apple fights the world's most significant tax case this week in a desperate bid to avoid paying tax in the EU and show its regulators who are boss.