Dell mocks Cook’s PC doom-saying
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The “post-pc” era has been good for the PC

Tin-box shifter Michael Dell mocked the prophecy of the Grand mufti of the Apple Cargo cult, Tim Cook who insisted that the PC was on its way out.

Dell’s EMC deal could be taxed to oblivion
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Tax theat

Michael Dell’s $67 billion plan to take over storage giant EMC could be killed off by the US taxman.

Compal gets Dell and Lenovo orders
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Intel Purley servers

Compal Electronics is rumoured to be getting orders for its Intel Purley platform-based servers from Dell and Lenovo.

Notebook sales sink 17.5 per cent
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Still not hit rock bottom

Global notebook shipments have continued to fall and do not appear to have hit rock bottom yet.

Dell releases barebones servers
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Lots of box cramming going on

Tinbox shifter Dell has released a bunch of bare-bones servers which appear to be creative box packing.

Dell counter attacks Whitman over EMC buyout
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You got your facts wrong

Tin box shifter Michael Dell has come out fighting after HP CEO Meg Whitman slammed his bid to buy EMC.

EMC and VMware figures explain Dell deal
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Underlying problems will be resolved by Dell

With Dell planning to buy the outfit, EMC and VMware’s primary results were closely looked at by analysts yesterday and they show why both sides are so interested.

Lenovo snubs Microsoft Surface
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It's a rival product

Chinese maker of the ThinkPad is refusing to sell Microsoft's Surface Pro tablet because it is a rival product.

Dell's Rory Read leads EMC integration
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Exclusive: John Byrne gets his job

Many people do know that Rory Read was the chap that went from Lenovo to transform AMD. After he did he went to chief sales job at Dell. Now Rory has been asked by Michael Dell to lead the EMC merger.

Dell/EMC deal leaves Lenovo out in the cold
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Short sharp sudden shock

Lenovo could be the biggest loser if the Dell EMC deal goes ahead.