Radeon Pro SSG becomes a reality
Published in News

$7000 on Newegg 

A true beast is being unleashed to developers, insiders and those who have massive datasets. As Fudzilla reported the card was pushed to Q4 2017 and AMD confirmed that the card will be shipping in less than a week. 

Bitcoin hits $6,000 while mining peaks
Published in Graphics

Crypto GPU market here to stay

AMD and Nvidia are heavily profitinging from the crypto market right now. Today, a few quarters into the whole Bitcoin and Ethereum, it looks like the cryptocurrencies are here to stay.

Cryptocurrency demand not faltering
Published in Graphics

GPU makers laugh all the way to bank

Huge values for cryptocurrencies are prolonging related graphics card demand and surprising those who thought it would be a temporary thing.

Nvidia Tensor RT 3 speeds up inferencing by 100X
Published in Graphics

4.8 FPS on CPU to 550 FPS on Volta

Nvidia has come up with a new optimized complier called Tensor RT 3 and demonstrated how Volta obliterates a modern server CPU.

AMD RX Vega supply problems might last until October
Published in Graphics

Packaging GPU and HBM2 to blame

According to a report, AMD Radeon RX Vega shortages could last until October and while HBM2 might be a part of the problem, it appears that packaging is to blame.

Nvidia creates external GPU
Published in Graphics

Liked AMD's version so much it thought it would invent it too

AMD attracted a bit of attention when it showed off it external GPU system a while back – so much good press it appeared that Nvidia thought "we should have something like that".

AMD selling MXM GPUs to miners
Published in Graphics

At the right quality and price

There is no doubt that AMD GPU profits are coming from bitcoin miners and AMD is taking advantage of this sudden interest. 

Radeon 500 GPU shortage continues
Published in Graphics

Ethereum mining craze is still on

The GPU shortage currently mainly affects the Radeon 500 series and especially the 580 and 570 cards. These are the best for mining Ethereum right now with Geforce GTX 1060 as a good alternative. 

Huawei building GPU/CPU
Published in PC Hardware

With AI on the side

Chinese phone maker Huawei is about to launch its own APU which will combine a CPU, GPU and AI.

Germans run out of GPUs
Published in Graphics

Gold rush sparks shortage

Germany is seeing a national shortage in mid-range and high-end graphics cards, due to an increasing craze for mining the Ethereum cryptocurrency.