Intel sees growth in Africa
Published in News

Dr Chipzilla I presume

Intel has added up the numbers and worked out that the best way to flog its chips is to follow the path of Stanley beat a path through the jungle into Africa.

Acer wants to be the last of the PC companies
Published in AI

Vying for title of dodo of the 21st century

Acer is aiming to be one the of the last surviving PC makers in the world, its boss appropriately told hacks at new World Trade Centre in lower Manhattan.

Batman: Arkham Knight system requirements revealed
Published in Gaming

Quite a demanding game

While the new Batman: Arkham Knight game is scheduled to launch in June, Nvidia has now released minimum, recommended and ultra PC system requirements for the game.

Intel figures confirm PC slowdown
Published in News

Thank the gods for the datacentre

Chipzilla's financial figures confirm that PC sales have continues to slide after a brief recovery after the death of Windows XP.

PC shipments beat projections
Published in News

Still declining

Worldwide PC shipments were slightly better than anyone expected, but are still falling according to beancounters at IDC.

VR headset well into development
Published in News

Microsoft is targeting production for 2015

While we can’t get a real handle on when Microsoft might reveal the VR headset that they have had in development, we have learned from our sources that it is well into development and some selected developers already have developmental prototypes.


With new Nvidia GameWorks trailer

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Not able to run the game according to the developers

Look for it on Steam starting October 10th

With a bunch of graphics and feature improvements