IBM warns that encryption's reign will be over soon
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The development of Quantum computers is the obituary of current encryption

IBM has warned that quantum computers will mean the end of encryption of sensitive data protected by today's most robust security.

Chinese demonstrate analogue quantum computing break-though
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Uses femtosecond direct writing.

Chinese boffins demonstrated the first two-dimensional quantum walks of single photons in real spatial space. The move may provide a powerful platform to boost analogue quantum computing.

Taiwan pushing quantum development
Published in PC Hardware

Government co-ordinating local industry 

Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology wants to pool the R&D resources of the domestic semiconductor sector to develop quantum components fabrication processes, local potentially dead or alive cats to promote the progress of quantum computing, communication and algorithm technologies, and nurture related R&D engineers.

Jensen thinks Quantum is the future
Published in PC Hardware

Exclusive:  Will be important

Last week at the GTC we saw Jen Hsung Huang, the founder and CEO of Nvidia walking by, and of course, we had to ask him a question. The single thing I wanted to ask was his opinion about Quantum computing.

Boffins create 50 qubits quantum simulators
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Teach your quantum cat to do the accounts

Two teams of researchers have published papers in Nature detailing how they created unprecedented quantum simulators consisting of over 50 qubits.

Mozilla launches new Firefox today
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Quantum it is rather good

Mozilla today launched Firefox 57, branded Firefox Quantum, for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. We have been running it for a month or so and it is rather good.

Biggish Blue expands its “quantum” cloud computing
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Powered by millions of dead or alive cats
The ever shrinking Big Blue is expanding what it calls quantum computing as a cloud service.

Firefox Quantum finally speeds up
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It can even handle Fudz' CMS

After being stuck in the slow lane for ages, Mozilla’s new Quantum browser is starting to look like it might be faster than Chrome.

Microsoft spins its quantum plans
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Written a language for a computer which does not exist

Microsoft is trying to be prepared for the new breed of quantum computers, even though a true quantum PC does not exist yet. 

Aussies come up with new form of quantum computer
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Who needs dead cats when you have a lot of sheep?

Aussie boffins, squatting in the outback, have come up with a new form of quantum computer which does not involve cats and will be dramatically easier and cheaper to produce.