Apple shares hit rock bottom as investors lose faith
Published in News

Mimicking Microsoft under Steve Ballmer

Apple's share price has fallen for the last few weeks. Today, it hit a low for the year, closing at €156.86.

Musk wanted an “for profit” OpenAI
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With him in charge

OpenAI has released emails which prove that rich kid Elon [look at me] Musk was not interested in keeping the company as a non-profit – he just wanted to be in charge.

Amazon wants to become a nuclear power
Published in News

What could go wrong  

Amazon has gone nuclear, snapping up atomic data centres for its cloud empire as part of a £470 million deal with Talen Energy – a US company that makes and sells electricity.

AMD unleashes Spartan
Published in News

Hopefully not headed for a glorious Thermopylae

AMD has lifted the kimono on its Spartan UltraScale+ FPGA family -- the latest addition to the huge range of AMD Cost-Optimised FPGAs and adaptive SoCs.

Microsoft ditches Android apps
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Windows 11 users left in the lurch

Microsoft has surprised punters by scrapping its support for Android apps on Windows 11, giving you only a year to play games on your Windows tablet before support officially runs out.

LG reveals more details for new Ultragear OLED 32GS95UE-B monitor
Published in PC Hardware

Dual-Mode with 4K/240Hz and 1080p/480Hz

LG has finally revealed more information, including full specifications and a hefty $1,399.99 price tag, for its upcoming Dual-Mode Ultragear OLED 32GS95UE-B monitor that was announced back at the CES 2024 show.

Car touchscreens need to be scrapped
Published in Transportation

EU watchdog barks

Euro NCAP, the car safety watchdog for Europe, is bringing in new rules for 2026 which mean that five vital tasks in every car will have to be done by real buttons instead of by a screen.

Nvidia releases Geforce 551.76 WHQL Game Ready driver
Published in Graphics

One to have for The Thaumaturge game

Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 551.76 WHQL Game Ready driver, bringing optimizations for the new The Thaumaturge game, as well as fixing some issues.

Facebook flops as it loses its backbone
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Social media giant's sites crash for two to three hours

Facebook, Instagram, and Threads went offline for two hours today, leaving millions of users fuming.

Spyware spooks slapped
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US Treasury hits snooping software bosses with sanctions

The US government has cracked down on the founder of the infamous spyware firm Intellexa and one of his cronies.