Over the weekend he tweeted ten words: "A Private space company is starting up, unlike the others."
The tweet also included the URL for a new video just uploaded tonight to YouTube about a company called Privateer.
The video says "Together we'll go far… We are explorers. We are dreamers, risk-takers, engineers, and star gazers. We are human. And it's up to us to work together to do what is right and what is good."
The video's tagline is The sky is no longer the limit.
The same tagline appears at Privateer.com, followed by two short sentences. "We are in stealth mode. We'll see you at AMOS in September 2021 in Maui, Hawaii." (With AMOS apparently, being the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference running from this Tuesday through Friday.)
Of course there is sod all information to go on, but we do know that Woz’s company is using a printer for high-strength titanium — and suggested the company might have something to do with cleaning up space junk.